Thursday 17 January 2013

New To Decorating? Don't Know What to Buy?

For those of you who come to painting and decorating as complete novices we thought we'd start by giving you a list of the basics you may need for successful decorating. We're not saying it's definitive but it's what we've used ourselves over the years and would recommend to any of our customers.
The Basics
Painting woodwork including doors, windows and skirtings
paint brushes - 12mm to 50mm
masking tape (for painting glass panelled doors etc)
brush cleaning tub (or any plastic tub deep enough)
brush cleaner
sandpaper for preparation (all grades, you'll need them for removing old paint and smoothing)
dust sheets
safety glasses (not absolutely necessary but get paint in your eye and you'll know about it!)
paint stripper if you're repainting
primer if it's new wood
knotting (if it's new wood you'll need to seal any knots to stop them bleeding through)
scraper if you're removing paint - 2 sizes depending on whether it's a flat surface such as a door or narrow such as a window frame
overalls or a paint apron (again not absolutely necessary if you have 'scruffs' for doing DIY in - but the pockets come in handy)

You'll also need step ladders, rags, something to open paint tins with (NOT a kitchen knife) and patience.

The Basics
For Wallpapering
Pasting table - make sure it's sturdy and easy to wipe down
Pasting brush
Wallpaper brush - for smoothing out air bubbles etc
Seam roller - not absolutely vital but a handy tool
Wallpapering scissors - not just household scissors, they have a longer bade and are sharper
Plumb line
Pencil or china graph pencil - you'll find you'll need to mark the pasting table for long lengths of paper

Again you'll need decent safe steps or step ladders, plenty of rags for quick wipe up of spills etc and an apron with pockets because there's nothing more annoying than getting to the top of the step ladder to find you've forgotten the wallpapering brush or you need a cloth quickly. If there's any old wooden spoons in the kitchen drawer don't throw them away - they make great paste stirrers.

That's about it. The rest is up to you. If you ned any more advice or help just email us and we'll get back to you post haste - or should that be paste haste!

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